Introducing the revolutionary Kramp App

Editorial team|5 minutes to read

The brand-new Kramp app - designed with the help of our customers - puts the power of product search directly in the hands of dealers, wherever they are. Over the years, Kramp has become known for pioneering new technology in the agri sector. We launched the sector’s first CD-ROM, and the first webshop.

Now, the Kramp app - developed in conjunction with Google Cloud and available for Android and Apple devices – will make life even easier for our customers. In the showroom, in the stockroom, in the field. We spoke with Inge Nahuis, User Experience Specialist and the Product Owner of the Kramp app, to find out more.

Why should I download the Kramp app?
The app has been designed specifically to save you time. How? By making those numerous day-to-day tasks of identifying, selecting, ordering and tracking parts easier and more convenient, as well as speeding up the process of receiving your orders. The more parts you need to find and order, the more time you’ll save; it’s that easy.

The advantages are even greater when you need to find the right product away from the dealership, or when you’re inside the guts of some farm equipment, fault-finding a problem. There’s no need to go back to the dealership or start up your computer. You may not even need to type a word: just photograph the part you want to replace, and the Kramp app will identify it and show you your options.

That’s the cleverest part of all: photo identification. We’ve been working in partnership with Google Cloud on this most innovative feature. The feature is currently in beta stage, which means you can use it already, but it is improving on an ongoing basis. That’s because, behind the scenes, special algorithms and machine learning mean that the app learns with every photo you submit. The more photos you, the customer, upload to try to identify a part, the more accurate and comprehensive the answers become. At the moment, the best results come when the part is placed against a neutral-colored background and photographed clearly.

What are the important app features?

  • The entire Kramp product assortment is within easy reach
  • Single sign-on for instant account and webshop access
  • Scan a product barcode to instantly access all product information
  • Import a photo from your photo library to find a product
  • Take a photo of a product so the app can help you identify the product
  • Search the Kramp product catalogue by keyword or through categories
  • Review your order for the latest information
  • When you receive a delivery, scan the delivery barcode to automatically see the complete package contents – no need to even open the box
  • Identifies location and language by customer log-in
  • Feedback section, so you can help refine the app and guide future functionality.

And that’s not all. We have even more time-saving features launching this year. Read on to find out more...

How did customers help design the Kramp app?
What makes the best innovations successful – whether they’re a machine, an app or a business process – is when they’ve been designed specifically to solve a problem. So, customer input has always been at the heart of every change in Kramp’s evolution, especially our work in digitalization.

We chose a number of our existing customers from different countries, most of whom had worked with us on previous development projects. We asked them what functionality they wanted to see in a mobile app and what would be the most valuable, time-saving features.

Once we had their wishlists, we began work on the design. Again, we went back to that same group of customers for feedback until we were all happy with the results.

The next step was to build a prototype app, which allowed our test users to go test the entire journey through the app. The user experience is what makes or breaks an app, and user testing enabled us to fine-tune our launch features.

The result is a clean, tidy app that’s really easy to use and immediately helpful. Anyone can download the app for free and start using it immediately, even if they’re not a Kramp customer. That means that any farmer experiencing an equipment malfunction in the middle of their work can identify the part they need and notify their dealer to order it in.

If you’re already a customer, logging in with your Kramp account details gives you access to the full range of features.

And as a customer, you continue to play an important part in the evolution of the Kramp app. Use the feedback button within the app to send us your thoughts and suggestions.

What features are coming next?
As well as the continuous, day-by-day automatic improvement and refinement of the photo-identification feature, we have a number of features in development:

  • Order any product directly from within the app
  • Contact a product specialist via the app or chat for support
  • View your order history and pending orders
  • 24/7 up-to-the-minute stock availability and pricing information
  • Delivery notifications and tracking updates.

Right now, choosing a product through the Kramp app takes you to the webshop in your country so you can place your order. There’s no need to sign in separately, thanks to the single sign-on feature we’ve built in. But in 2020 the experience will become even more seamless, with ordering direct from the app and all your account information right there in one place.

When is the app available?
Right now!

The app is already available to download, completely free, from Google Play and the Apple App Store. It was officially released at 11am on 11 November 2019 with Rokesh Jankie, our Customer Engineer at Google Cloud, with the ceremony live-streamed online.

In just three weeks, the app was downloaded more than we imagined. With more downloads every day since. Already a lot of photos have been uploaded to the app, which means the machine learning algorithms have begun refining and improving the automatic product identification accuracy.

Why should dealers embrace the app?
The entire agriculture sector is digitising. The right use of technology – just as in farming itself – makes businesses more efficient and productive and helps them deliver increasingly exceptional service to customers. And the world of technology is in continuous, constant evolution, with new threats to old ways of working.

For dealers to retain their customers and continue to win new business, they need to add value through outstanding personal customer service. Developments like the Kramp app help you do that, by speeding and smoothing processes and tasks, so you can focus on keeping the customer happy.

Download the Kramp app for free today, so you can start innovating your business tomorrow.

Just click on your device store below or scan the QR-code.

 Google Play 

 Apple App Store

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