Electric pasture fences: an effective solution for the safety of animal husbandry

Emilia Bartolik|4 minutes to read

In modern agriculture, where animal welfare and efficient farm management have become crucial, farmers are paying increasing attention to innovative solutions. One such tool gaining popularity among farmers is electric pasture fencing. These simple yet effective fences offer a range of benefits for both animals and farmers alike. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this solution, its functioning, advantages, and what to consider when deciding to implement it. Answering our questions is Maciej Skonieczny, a product specialist at Kramp.

What are Electric Pasture Fences and How Do They Work?

Electric pasture fences (EPFs) are fencing systems that utilize electric current to safely contain animals in pastures or specific areas. As emphasized by Maciej Skonieczny, "EPFs are not only used to fence pastures or enclosures for animals and maintain herds within designated areas, but also for protecting crops, ponds, or domestic animals. Electric pasture fences are becoming increasingly common even in hobbyist applications as protection for smaller areas for poultry, cat runs, or dog enclosures."

The electric fence system comprises the following elements:

  1. Energizer: Generates regular electric pulses.
  2. One or Several Conductors: Conduct electricity (although they don't necessarily have to form a closed loop).
  3. Insulators: Insulate the current from the posts.
  4. Fixed or Mobile Posts: Used as needed.
  5. Grounding: Placed in moist soil, in the required quantity and depth.

"When an animal touches the conductor, the electric circuit closes, meaning the electric current flows through the animal and back into the device through the ground. As a result, the animal experiences an unpleasant yet harmless electric shock and withdraws," explains the specialist.

What Are the Advantages of Electric Fences?

Among the most significant advantages of EPFs are:

  1. Livestock Safety: Provides a psychological and physical barrier for animals, minimizing the risk of escape or uncontrolled grazing, allowing farmers to manage the herd's safety confidently.
  2. Protection from Predators: Effectively deters predators such as wolves, foxes, or wild dogs, safeguarding the herd from attacks and loss.
  3. Crop Protection: Safeguards crops from damage caused by wild animals.
  4. Ease and Speed of Installation: Installing electric pasture fences is quick and straightforward, allowing for the efficient setup of the system without lengthy installation work.
  5. Ease of Maintenance: Requires minimal maintenance. Regular inspection of devices and conductors helps keep the fence in good condition for a long time.
  6. Low Construction Costs: The installation costs of EPFs are usually lower than traditional fences, making them a more economical solution for farmers.
  7. High Mobility: Electric pasture fences are easily portable and can be used in various farm areas, providing farmers with flexibility in managing space.
  8. Low Risk of Injury: Due to the use of low-intensity electric pulses, the risk of injury to animals or humans is minimal, making electric fences safe.
  9. Maximization of Pasture Utilization: Partitioning – electric fences enable precise delineation of pasture zones for animals, allowing for efficient use of available resources and minimizing overgrazing.
  10. Ability to Monitor Fence Status: With modern technology, EPFs can be equipped with monitoring systems, allowing for quick detection of any faults or unauthorized access attempts and informing the owner.

What to Consider When Buying an Electric Pasture Fence?

"When making a purchase, it's essential to first tailor the equipment to the needs of your farm, including the size of the area, the type of animals, or user convenience, rather than solely focusing on price," emphasizes Maciej Skonieczny from Kramp. "Attention should be paid to the proper selection and installation of accessories and labeling, which is crucial for safety reasons. Proper grounding and voltage level are also very important," continues the specialist. The choice of energizer with the appropriate voltage should be adjusted to the animal species and fence length. The average voltage of energizers is 4000 – 12000 V. For effective animal fencing, the voltage on the fence should be at least 2500 V, and for animals with thick fur, a minimum of 4000 V is recommended.

Products for Electric Pasture Fences

"At Kramp, we have the entire necessary assortment for electric pasture fences, including energizers, conductors, posts, insulators, and all essential accessories," lists Maciej Skonieczny. Apart from products aimed at larger farms, Kramp also offers Farma brand products designed for use in smaller farms or by hobbyist breeders. Additionally, Kramp stocks modern AKO energizers suitable for all animal groups, divided into 3 categories: Premium, Expert, and Classic. The Premium line features the most advanced functions, such as digital displays facilitating the reading of all essential information about the device and fence, intelligent adaptation to the fence's condition, or alarm functions ensuring maximum safety for people and animals.


Electric pasture fences are inexpensive and effective solutions that enable efficient livestock management. When choosing this method of protection, one should tailor the equipment to the needs of their pasture, considering factors such as the size of the area, the type of animals, or user convenience. Attention should also be paid to the proper selection and installation of accessories. Both large-scale farms and smaller holdings or hobbyist breeders can choose from a variety of products tailored to their specific needs.

Where Can I Find Products for Electric Fences?

If you're a wholesale customer, you can purchase electric pasture fences and all necessary accessories on the Kramp website www.kramp.com. Individual customers can buy them at Powered by Kramp stores and Kramp dealers. You can find a list of points on the Find a Kramp Dealer page on the KRAMP website.

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Emilia Bartolik

This article was written by:

Emilia Bartolikemilia.bartolik@kramp.com