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  • Hitachi renaming to HiKOKI

Hitachi renaming to HiKOKI

Hitachi renaming to HiKOKI

Hitachi is changing its name to HIKOKI. The electrical equipment manufacturer will go by the new name from 1 October.

"The name declares what our brand represents. 'Hi' stands for quality and 'Koki' is Japanese for industrial machines. The new brand name also contains the number one. A nice reference to the goals our entire company is striving to achieve: Supply the number 1 products and be the number 1 market leader worldwide, " says Gert Lamberts, Director HiKOKI Netherlands and Belgium.
Since 1948, the company has been engaged in the production and development of power tools that are equipped with the most advanced Japanese technologies. 
The HiKOKI brand has been created to embody the three core competencies of the company: the innovative technologies that lead to products offering top-quality performance, the reliability of products, and services supported by a company history stretching back some 70 years and the potential to grow through the new cooperation with KKR, an investment firm.