Fly Poison ICS 10 micro

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Application range
ICS 10 micro is an excellent active agent combination against resistant stable flies
  • ICS 10 micro works immediately using a highly effective plant as well as synthetic pyrethroides and guarantees a high extinction rate
  • The immune cycle of resistant flies must be broken through
  • After 4-5 weeks of treatment, it can be assumed that various active agents will be significantly more effective again
  • Ready for use
  • Product composition: tetramethrin, d-phenothrin, prallethrin
Technical info
  • Use the biocide safety
  • Always read the label and product information before use
  • Application:
  • Ready for use
  • Fill ICS 10 micro ready-to-use solution in the bottle for a micro-fine distribution device. Then spray the solution in stables affected by flies. It is applied using room fogging.
  • It should be sprayed on surfaces where flies are currently congregating.
  • To obtain an optimum control measure against the established resistances, ICS 10 micro must be applied in intervals of 3-4 days. If there is a strong migration from outside, these flies must also be controlled immediately.
  • Application recommendation:
  • ICS 10 micro can also be sprayed in the stable with a paint gun using the finest stream.


1000 ml